Comptia Security+ Practice Test

April 26, 2024
Comptia Security+ Practice Test

We prepared 20 practice test questions for the CompTIA Security+ certification exam. You can test yourself before taking the exam.


Question: Which of the following is an example of a physical security control?

A) Firewall

B) Intrusion Detection System (IDS)

C) Biometric door lock

D) Antivirus software

Answer: C) Biometric door lock

Question: What is the primary purpose of a Certificate Authority (CA)?

A) To encrypt data during transmission

B) To authenticate digital certificates

C) To detect and prevent malware infections

D) To monitor network traffic for security threats

Answer: B) To authenticate digital certificates

Question: Which of the following best describes a man-in-the-middle (MITM) attack?

A) Modifying data in transit without detection

B) Intercepting communication between two parties to eavesdrop or alter the data

C) Overflowing a buffer to execute malicious code

D) Decrypting encrypted data using a brute-force attack

Answer: B) Intercepting communication between two parties to eavesdrop or alter the data

Question: What security measure helps prevent unauthorized access to a wireless network by hiding the network's name?

A) WPA2 encryption

B) SSID broadcasting

C) MAC filtering

D) WEP authentication

Answer: B) SSID broadcasting

Question: Which of the following is a characteristic of a Trojan horse?

A) Self-replicating code that spreads across a network

B) Malicious software disguised as legitimate software

C) A type of denial-of-service attack

D) A cryptographic algorithm used for data encryption

Answer: B) Malicious software disguised as legitimate software

Question: What does the CIA triad represent in cybersecurity?

A) Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability

B) Compliance, Identification, Authentication

C) Configuration, Intrusion detection, Analysis

D) Collaboration, Information sharing, Awareness

Answer: A) Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability

Question: Which security protocol is used to secure email communication by encrypting the message contents?


B) IPsec



Answer: C) S/MIME

Question: What is the purpose of a network intrusion detection system (NIDS)?

A) To encrypt data during transmission

B) To authenticate users accessing the network

C) To detect and respond to suspicious network traffic

D) To filter incoming and outgoing emails for spam

Answer: C) To detect and respond to suspicious network traffic

Question: Which of the following is a social engineering technique that involves manipulating individuals into divulging confidential information?

A) Phishing

B) Spoofing

C) Brute-force attack

D) Cross-site scripting (XSS)

Answer: A) Phishing

Question: What is the purpose of hashing in cryptography?

A) To encrypt data during transmission

B) To verify the integrity of data

C) To establish a secure communication channel

D) To authenticate users during login

Answer: B) To verify the integrity of data

Question: Which of the following is a characteristic of a SQL injection attack?

A) Exploiting vulnerabilities in web applications to execute arbitrary commands

B) Intercepting communication between two parties to eavesdrop or alter the data

C) Overflowing a buffer to execute malicious code

D) Encrypting sensitive data during transmission

Answer: A) Exploiting vulnerabilities in web applications to execute arbitrary commands

Question: What security measure is used to ensure that data cannot be read or altered during transmission over a network?

A) SSL/TLS encryption

B) MAC address filtering

C) Antivirus software

D) Intrusion Prevention System (IPS)

Answer: A) SSL/TLS encryption

Question: Which of the following authentication methods involves confirming a user's identity based on physical characteristics such as fingerprints or retinal scans?

A) Token-based authentication

B) Biometric authentication

C) Password-based authentication

D) Certificate-based authentication

Answer: B) Biometric authentication

Question: What is the purpose of a security policy in an organization?

A) To detect and prevent malware infections on network devices

B) To define rules and guidelines for protecting information assets

C) To monitor and analyze network traffic for security threats

D) To encrypt sensitive data during transmission

Answer: B) To define rules and guidelines for protecting information assets

Question: Which cryptographic algorithm is commonly used for digital signatures?




D) MD5

Answer: A) RSA

Question: What is the purpose of a security incident response plan?

A) To prevent security incidents from occurring

B) To detect and respond to security incidents in a timely manner

C) To encrypt sensitive data during transmission

D) To authenticate users accessing the network

Answer: B) To detect and respond to security incidents in a timely manner

Question: Which security control restricts access to resources based on the roles and responsibilities of individual users?

A) Least privilege

B) Mandatory access control

C) Role-based access control

D) Access control lists

Answer: C) Role-based access control

Question: What is the primary goal of a denial-of-service (DoS) attack?

A) To gain unauthorized access to a system

B) To intercept communication between two parties

C) To overwhelm a target system with a flood of traffic

D) To execute arbitrary commands on a remote server

Answer: C) To overwhelm a target system with a flood of traffic

Question: Which of the following is a security best practice to protect against ransomware attacks?

A) Regularly updating software and security patches

B) Disabling firewalls to improve network performance

C) Sharing passwords with trusted colleagues

D) Ignoring suspicious emails without opening them

Answer: A) Regularly updating software and security patches

Question: What is the purpose of a security assessment?

A) To recover data after a security incident occurs

B) To identify and mitigate security vulnerabilities

C) To monitor network traffic for security threats

D) To authenticate users accessing the network

Answer: B) To identify and mitigate security vulnerabilities

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